By Mels Wittenberg (Finance Team)
Three years ago, this project started as an inspiring initiative to connect and enthuse the youth with technology. The idea was ambitious and still is. However, it has definitely changed to a feasible and realistic project.
Financially there were numerous amounts of doubts when this project started. Nobody had an idea what we were all facing. Therefore, a finance team was established in January 2020 with its main purpose to see if this project was financially feasible, to begin with. When everyone within the complete team was convinced about the great challenges, opportunities, and feasibility; The team itself changed into a more business/acquisition orientated team with the launch as its horizon.
The complete finance team consists of 9 persons that are split up into different specialties. A group of 2 persons is working on the launch, which was almost finalized. However, we have had a setback with the broker that we are currently trying to fix. Another group of 3 members is working on the famous crowdfunding. They planned every single step from December onwards. The number of donations is going incredibly fast and hopefully, we will pass the €30,000, – in the upcoming two weeks. If you did not donate already, you can find a link on the home page. Remember every donation counts!
There are also 2 team members in charge of all the foundations. They investigate which funds do apply to our project and make sure that the application forms are in order. Two pictures are shown below where we celebrated the donation of the Rabobank Cooperation fund and TU Delft’s Fast Fund.

Lastly, we have the rest of the team that oversees all the relations with our technical partners and investigate possible collaborations with corporate companies. Currently, we are trying to integrate a possible sponsor in one of the educational modules.
The financial gap is getting smaller, and it really starts to look promising. As a team, we are planning to finalize every single detail in the upcoming month. After which the team itself will switch again to a more business/relation management orientated team. Hopefully, the launch is then signed and planned, and the whole project is financially healthy.
In the next 3 weeks, we will update you more on our current activities. Hopefully, we can do this when we again celebrate a great new achievement!
Speak to you soon!
-The Finance Team
Floor, Japer, Leanne, Mathijs, Max, Mels, Nina, Sander & Sybren